ミニマル (minimal) という言葉をご存知でしょうか。
ミニマリズム (minimalism) は、1960年代前後にデザインや音楽の領域において、非本質的な形、特徴、概念を排除して、欠くことのできない本質的なものを表現する考え方だそうです。
美術では、「ミニマル・アート (minimal art)」として、抽象性を極限にまで削ぎ落とした彫刻や絵画を指します。シンプルな幾何形体や物質性、無機的な素材感が特徴です。
Have you ever heard of the term "minimalism"? The term "minimalism" was coined around the 1960s in the fields of design and music to describe a way of thinking that eliminates non-essential forms, features, and concepts in order to express something essential and indispensable. In art, "minimal art" refers to sculptures and paintings that are stripped down to the bare minimum of abstraction. It is characterized by simple geometric forms, materiality, and an inorganic sense of materiality.
My artworks are always drawn with a simple color palette and minimalist thinking. Simple" and "minimal" are not the same thing. The goal of "simple" is to remove the unnecessary and express it in a straightforward way that is easy for anyone to understand. In other words, it means not adding anything unnecessary. Minimalism, on the other hand, is about eliminating unnecessary things, as if to say, "This is it! Some people may find its pictures and designs monotonous and boring.
In this artwork, only simple colors are used: brown, black, white, and blue. By decorating the desk with leaves and branches, and putting water inside the painting, I tried not to leave emotion behind, even in a minimal space.