シューベルトは生涯を通して、数々のドイツ歌曲を書き上げ、ほかには交響曲、室内楽曲、ピアノ曲なども作っています。今回ご紹介する「4つの即興曲(4 Impromptus)」作品90、D899は、1827年頃(亡くなる前年)に作曲されたと言われています。晩年のシューベルトは、たびたびの体調不良に見舞われて「何を食べても飲んでもすぐに吐いてしまう」などと訴えるほどでした。
Franz Schubert (1797-1828) was a native Viennese musician. Unlike Mozart and Beethoven, who moved from Salzburg and Bonn to Vienna in search of a base of operations, Schubert never left Vienna throughout his life. He wrote a large number of German songs throughout his life, as well as symphonies, chamber music, and piano music. Among them, the "4 Impromptus", Op. 90, D899, introduced here, is supposed to be written around 1827 (the year before his death). In the later years, Schubert suffered from frequent health problems, to the extent that he complained that "No matter what I eat or drink, I vomit immediately".
The Impromptu was born under such circumstances. The beauty and darkness of the piece became a forerunner of the piano music that became a symbol of the Romantic era. Although his illness worsened and he died at the age of only 31, it seems that he lived a very rich and fruitful life musically.
シューベルト 即興曲集 第2番 変ホ長調 D899 Op.90